New Management Coming!

Starting January 1, 2022, Viking Management Services will be taking over Management of the Oaks Improvement Association. During the month of December, you will start to see communications from Viking Management Services. While the transition process has already started, we still ask for your patience, over the next few months.  Please be aware of the following:

  1. Coupon books will be going out in the mail mid-December. 
  2. Email invitations will be going out to everyone that we currently have email addresses for on Jan 1, regarding the new online owner portal.
  3. There will be two in person training sessions, in January, on how to use the online portal and mobile app.
  4. In the welcome letter/notice that Viking will be sending out this month they will have a new homeowner questionnaire. To ensure accuracy of records, we are asking you to please complete the new form & send it back in.