Strategic Planning Meeting
March 21, 2022

The first-ever Oaks Improvement Association Strategic Planning Meeting will be held on March 21, 2022, at 6:00 PM in the clubhouse. This meeting will be held in lieu of the regular March board meeting.

Purpose:  The purpose of our Strategic Planning Meeting is to help set the path for the HOA, over the next several years.  Items, such as Security/Safety, Pool, Common Elements, but to name a few, will be reviewed.  

Who can attend:  This meeting is for titled homeowners only. Spouses or partners of the titled homeowner, are always welcome to attend with their significant other.

Why:  There are many items going on within the association and the board values our members’ input, which helps guide them on what issues or areas are a priority, as well as looking to how we can budget to address these items, strategically over the next few years.
Additionally, the Board will use the feedback to help establish Committee’s

 When: March 21, 2022, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, in The Oaks Clubhouse. The doors will be opened at 5:50 pm to allow Homeowner Sign In & Verification.

Additional Note:  Please remember residents who are not the Titled Owner or the spouse of a Titled Owner, Per the Laws that govern an HOA {Homeowners Association} cannot attend.  Please bring your driver’s license with you to this meeting, as validation of ownership will be conducted at this meeting, per Legal Counsel.